About this blog

I’ve experienced an intense life full of passion and sorrow. When I first started, I found myself very inhibited when it comes to expressing my experience in poetry. My poetry doesn’t come close to expressing what I wish it to. It’s too self-conscious.

I realize I had to start a new blog separate from the ones I have. I feel constrained in some ways there. Typecast….of my own volition. I don’t like it.

Here’s a recent poem, one that’s not entirely true:


It occurred to me

I no longer want

to play

in the shadows

I’m a lover of the light

and I want to feel the rays upon my skin

No longer bound to you

Or your head-spinning games

I’ll no longer give

While you only take

I’m a lover of the light

and while I was compelled

for a time

to dredge my soul

through the darkness

I know now

I’m a lover of the light

I love that poem, and I also know it’s a half-truth.

I’d have to say that I don’t just love the light. I love the darkness too. There is an ecstasy in the agony. Beautiful, rich, fertile soil for the soul that grows ever more aware of itself.

“I love people. Everybody. I love them, I think, as a stamp collector loves his collection. Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me. My love’s not impersonal yet not wholly subjective either. I would like to be everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, and then come back to write about my thoughts, my emotions, as that person.* But I am not omniscient. I have to live my life, and it is the only one I’ll ever have. And you cannot regard your own life with objective curiosity all the time…”

~ Slyvia Plath

There was a time when i was everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, a Madonna, a child of the light and a child of the wild…and on and on…and I can’t begin to pen the words to express the beauty and the tragedy. The things I’ve seen, the things I’ve done, the sadness and madness I’ve danced with…oh…loveliness all.

7 Responses to About this blog

  1. anna mosca says:

    Thank you for the follow! Please be aware that my blog is a bilingual one.
    So you may get links to some poems in English as well as to some in Italian…
    I’m trying to keep the posting balanced between the two languages. Keep up the good work.

    • You are very welcome. I noticed the bilingual poetry, it’s all good. My step-dad’s Italian, I wish I had learned how to speak it. Maybe some day I will.

      Thank you so much. Best wishes to you!


  2. I’ve nominated your blog for the Liebster Award 🙂 congrats!

    Just follow this link https://beckysonnet130.wordpress.com/2014/04/15/liebster-blog-award/ for all the details and what you need to do next.

    Love your work x

    • Thank you, Becky, that’s so kind of you to say.

      I had just picked up your note when I was at the hospital for an outpatient procedure (minor surgery). After I get some rest, I’ll attend to the details of the award…


  3. DaPoet says:

    Takers only are Sociopaths. True human beings both give and take what others/Divinity are willing to give to them otherwise one has nothing to give. 🙂

    • Why, hello, Poet. Nice to see you here. =)

      Yes, I get that the takers are sociopaths. But I also believe that sociopaths don’t get that way on their own. They usually were distorted by the parent/authority figures in their lives. The narcissists and psychopaths are irredeemable, but the borderline personality disordered individuals (which have sociopathic/taking habits, too) can actually heal.

      There’s something tragically beautiful about BPD individuals, as well. I have had a girlfriend and a guy friend who had BPD traits (and I actually think we can all act, at times, a little borderline). Over time, I learned a LOT about myself and my care-taking habits. I am an adult child of an alcoholic father and stepfather and a narcissistic mother and married a binge drinker who was the son of a narcissistic father.

      It took me a LONG time to know I attracted dysfunctional people and had been codependent. It took me a long time to look at my own dysfunctional behaviors and the splits in my own psyche from living with and trying to relate to dysfunctional people. We take on the characteristics of them.

      I want to heal, and I will. Well, I am.

      I go to Al-anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families to help me learn a better way to live and relate to people. They are safe places for me to examine the ways I became dysfunctional from loving and being codependent with dysfunctional people.

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